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ASB Workers' Samaritan Federation

Collaborate efficiently and quickly

Aid organisations must be able to exchange information without any problems. Above all, nothing must go wrong technically or cause delays.

The challenge

The employees of ASB Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Deutschland e.V. exchange information internally via the intranet, with HumHub providing the technical basis with a Libre Office integration. As the number of users increased, the existing setup was no longer able to cope.


Our service

  • IT consulting: planning, installation and configuration from a single source
  • Consulting on the use of OnlyOffice
  • Goal: Implementation in the existing Humhub cluster
  • Procurement of licences at optimal conditions
  • Design and configuration of the hosting setup consisting of a virtual machine, firewall and load balancer
  • High-availability operation of virtual machines
  • Update management
  • Security patches
  • Managed backup
  • Data backup
  • Setup and management of operating systems (Linux)
  • Operation, monitoring and transparent billing of services

Your SpaceNet contact

Stefan Hagen

Expert for networking, open source technologies and large corporations
(089) 32356-202