Do you recognise my name? Maybe you know me from the radio. Because I'm regularly on the air on ANTENNE BAYERN ...
In my company, I'm an admin and responsible for making sure our IT works. I support my boss so that he makes the right IT decisions and translate Cloud German into German for him ...
or at least I always know someone who supports us here.
The special thing about me is ...
that I now have a small, dedicated fan community. I'm pretty proud of that.
For all Netzheimer fans who would like to see me perform live with friends or colleagues: You can still listen to my spots here. I wish you lots of fun!

You know me from the radio?
Here you will find a selection of my spots
Netzheimer applies
Netzheimer continues its education
Netzheimer is ill
Netzheimer and the total crash
Netzheimer and the mail washing machine part 1
Netzheimer and the mail washing machine part 2
Netzheimer and the auditor
Netzheimer's data centre
Netzheimer and the data backup
Netzheimer maintenance-free
Netzheimer's battle with the firewall
Netzheimer and the golden eagle
Netzheimer muesli bar
Netzheimer highly available and fail-safe
Netzheimer in shopping paradise
Netzheimer and the Mailofant
Netzheimer and the Mailofant
Netzheimer and teamwork
Netzheim in search of talent
Netzheimer and the server move
Netzheimer and the web agency
Netzheimer deals with the topic of internet security
Netzheimer and the online shop
Netzheimer and Sync n Share
Netzheimer and the creative competition
Netzheimer and Kombiline
Netzheimer and the creative competition
Netzheimer and the cloud breakfast
Netzheimer Master Cloudissimo
Netzheimer and the test winner
Netzheimer in training
Netzheimer and the virtual machines
Netzheimer and secure data
Netzheimer and the IT audit
Spacenet grows
Netzheimer and the Clouderwelsch
Netzheimer and the cloud book
Netzheimer about Spacenet IT-Consulting
Netzheimer about the Applications Support
Netzheimer about Spacenet Homeoffice
Netzheimer discovers Collaboration
Netzheimer hacks