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Increase IT security in the company with SIEM

How do you protect your company against cyberattacks? With a suitable system for Security Information and Event Management (SIEM), your company's IT security can be increased in the face of increasing cybercrime. Find out in the following article what advantages Google Chronicle SIEM can also offer your company.

Protect your company against cyberattacks with a suitable system for Security Information and Event Management (SIEM)

Whether phishing attacks or infection with malware: Cybercrime is increasing worldwide, particularly due to the further development of artificial intelligence. In 2022, India in particular was the victim of such attacks, closely followed by the USA. There were also around 21 million cases of cybercrime in Germany. ¹ Cyberattacks cause billions in damage and pose an immense threat not only to private individuals, but especially to companies worldwide. In a study ², 93 per cent of the German companies surveyed stated that the IT security threat situation is growing. This also means that the need for reliable security systems is increasing.

More IT security with Google Chronicle SIEM

A SIEM - a system for security information and event management - can help to reduce the threat. One such tool for analysing and categorising security-relevant events in companies is Google Chronicle, which is often referred to as the second line of defence in the fight against cyberattacks. Threats can be quickly recognised and investigated in order to be able to react accordingly. And at the proven Google speed.

Google Chronicle SIEM for your IT security at a glance:
  • Works for local and cloud-based applications
  • Data is stored for one year
  • Simple connection to the existing IT infrastructure
  • Recognition mechanisms can be customised

Google Chronicle SIEM monitors a wide range of information sources - from network access points and servers to various application programmes and end devices. The system is connected to the existing IT infrastructure, regardless of whether this is local or cloud-based. The data is transmitted in encrypted form. For local services via a forwarder, for cloud-based applications via an API interface. The files are stored for one year. This is so important because it takes an average of 170 days before an attack on the network is even detected.

IT security with SIEM: as simple as a Google search

Searching for a potential threat is as easy as a conventional Google search. The relevant URL or a term is entered in the search bar and the SIEM searches through the entire data volume. In a clearly organised dashboard, Google Chronicle SIEM then shows which assets have come into contact with the suspicious address, on which device, at what time and many other details. This allows the threat to be recognised precisely and responded to quickly. These analyses can also be carried out retrospectively.

Whether small, medium-sized or large companies: IT security is becoming increasingly important. Maximum transparency is needed to protect against cyber attacks of all kinds. This is the only way to recognise potential threats as quickly as possible and prevent - or at least reduce - damage. Companies have also long recognised that there is work to be done when it comes to IT security. 71 per cent train and sensitise employees with regard to cyber security and have emergency plans in place for cyber attacks. A SIEM is an important tool for arming yourself against increasing cybercrime in the future.

Do you have questions about SIEM, Google Chronicle or IT security in general?

We have the experts and the right solution for your company. 

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¹ nach-laendern-weltweit/ ;