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IT Success Day 2022 at the high-tech data centre

SpaceNet is holding its annual IT Success Day on 19 October in the high-security data centre. The number of places is limited.

Which digital solutions are really important in the near and long term and which IT security aspects should companies avoid stumbling over, especially now? Digitalisation experts will be on hand to answer these questions at the IT Success Day 2022 - a day with concentrated B2B expertise and plenty of inspiration for everyday business life.

The focus will be on the following topics:

  • Renewable energies for IT and data processing, Bruno Ehrmaier - Weihenstephan University of Applied Sciences
  • Industrial espionage - a real danger for companies? Information security from the perspective of industrial security, Elisabeth Greiner - Bavarian State Office for the Protection of the Constitution
  • What is the state of (international) IT security? A look behind the scenes - Ulrike Lechner Professor, Chair of Information Systems
  • Managing crises & averting dangers: How the right preparation and routine lead to success - Jörg Leiwering Crisis manager & former head of the Munich Airport Fire Brigade
  • The day the fridge paralyses your company (best practice IT security) - Jonas Jansen, Channel Manager, Link11
  • Planting trees digitally: a Kirchheim success story (sustainability best practice) - Sophia Schreib, Kirchheim 2024
  • Counterweight to the major American monopoly GAFA: Tellus (best practice European cloud) - Bastian Asam, SpaceNet AG
  • Many more presentations and discussion rounds are planned - you can look forward to it!

On site, you can take a look behind the scenes of the SDC SpaceNet Datacenter and take a personal tour of the impressive data centre. In addition to useful tips and information, there will be plenty of time to exchange ideas and network.

When: 19 October 2022, 10.00 - 16.30
Where: SDC SpaceNet Datacenter, Kirchheim near Munich
Investment: 129€ per person

Who benefits?

  • Managing directors, IT managers and IT project managers
  • Those responsible for e-business, e-commerce and digital transformation


Further information & tickets

About SpaceNet AG

The Munich-based MSSP supports companies in building, managing and developing strong and resilient IT. One focus is on personalised advice and smart implementation of IT security and cloud solutions. The range of services includes managed IT services, customised support even for non-standard applications, 24/7 service and secure collaboration tools such as Zamadama and Nextcloud.

With over 120 experts, SpaceNet supports around 1,200 companies, including Antenne Bayern and the Munich Transport and Tariff Association (MVV). SpaceNet AG operates its cloud and IT services in several redundant high-security data centres in Munich, is certified to the ISO 27001 security standard and works in accordance with ITIL. The SpaceNet family of companies also includes brück IT GmbH, a system house for lawyers, architects and other liberal professions, and SOFTIQ Deutschland GmbH, which specialises in individual software projects.

SpaceNet AG operates its cloud and IT services in several redundant high-security data centres in Munich. SpaceNet AG is certified according to the ISO 27001 security standard and works according to ITIL.

Press contact

SpaceNet AG

Katja Holzer
Phone: (089) 323 56-181
Fax: (089) 323 56-299


Melanie Steidle
Tel.: 0176 21312454
